Lovage Levisticum officinale

Levisticum officinale
  • Common Names
  • Lovage
  • Botanical Name
  • Levisticum officinale
  • Family

Medicinal Uses & Benefits of Lovage

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How to Use: Lovage

Lovage is an old English garden herb whose use dates from the fourteenth century. Lovage's properties are similar to closely related umbelliferous plants like angelica, carrots,celery, and parsely. Lovage contains quercetin, which makes it a good garden remedy for allergies, respiratory problems, and is effective diuretic for treatment of urinary tract inflammation.

Preparation Methods & Dosage : Fresh or dried Lovage leaves may be eaten as a vegetable, or used in soups and as a garnish, much like parsley. Also found in tinctures and extracts.

Lovage Side Effects: Lovage root contains furanocoumarins which can lead to photosensitivity.

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Plant Description

  • Flowers:Umbrel yellow flowers
  • Plant Class:Perennial herb
  • Leaves:Large, dark green, radical leaves, aromatic odor
  • Root: Thick, fleshy, carrot-like
  • Preferred Habitat:
  • Flowering Season:June, July
  • Distribution:Introduced to North America by English colonists, it now grows wild in New England, the Great Lakes states, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico.

Regional Traditions :North America *

How to Grow Lovage

Plant these tall, leafy plants at the back of the garden where their 6 ft height will not be an issue. The leaves and seeds of this overgrown parsley-type plant are used for medicinal and culinary uses. Lovage is considered a "magic bullet" companion plant; much as borage helps protect almost all plants from pests, so lovage is thought to improve the health of almost all plants.