Buchu Agathosma betulina

Agathosma betulina
  • Common Names
  • Buchu
  • Botanical Name
  • Agathosma betulina
  • Syn. Barosma betulina
  • Family

Medicinal Uses & Benefits of Buchu

Side Effects | Plant & Garden|

How to Use: Buchu

Buchu tea reduces
PMS bloating

The leaves of the buchu are an effective diuretic, are antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. These medicinal properties make buchu effective in the treatment of bladder and urinary tract infections (UTI),and kidney infections, and buchu is also often used to treat prostate infections. Buchu's healing and soothing properties indicate its use in combination with other relevant remedies for many conditions affecting the urinary tract. Buchu is often combined with couchgrass, corn silk, cranberry, cleavers, dandelion, goldenrod, parsley, and uva ursi. 2Over-the counter premenstrual diuretics such as Fluidex or Odrinil contain buchu as the active ingredient. 3

Preparation Methods & Dosage :

see remedies

Buchu Remedies

Buchu Side Effects: Not for use for those with kidney disease. As with any diuretic, use tends to reduce the body's potassium levels.

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books citedWorks Cited
  1. Grieve, Maud Mrs. "A Modern Herbal" (1931)
  2. Hoffmann, David (2010-12-15). Medical Herbalism: The Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine (p. 524). Healing Arts Press.
  3. Duke,James, Ph.D. (2000). "The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook"