Galangal Root Alpinia officinarum

Alpinia officinarum
Galangal root
  • Common Names
  • Galangal Root , Galanga, lesser galangal, Blue ginger, Chinese ginger
  • Botanical Name
  • Alpinia officinarum
  • Family

Medicinal Uses & Benefits of Galangal Root

remedyHow to Use| Side Effects | Plant & Garden| Folklore

How to Use: Galangal Root

Herbalists consider the galangal root antispasmodic and antibacterial, and recommend its use in cases of dyspepsia and loss of appetite. 3

Preparation Methods & Dosage :The chopped root can be used in Asian cooking, May also be taken as a tea, extract or capsule.

In the Kitchen: Galangal root is used in many asian cuisines, and has a stimulating effect on the digestive system, much like ginger does. It is a very popular spice in all Southeast Asia and especially typical of the cuisine of Thailand. Fresh galangal has a pure and refreshing odor and an mildly spicy ginger-like flavor. The pungent aromatic oil of the galangal root is a flavoring additive for beverages.

Galangal Root Side Effects: Don't take both galangal and digestive enzymes together.

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Plant Description

Ginger-scented rhizomatous perennial native to Asia and Australia, galangal is found in tropical rainforests in SE Asia. Lesser galangal(A. officinarum) is the most important species for food and medicine, greater galangal has less pungent rhizomes2

  • Flowers/Fruit/Seeds:Plale green, orchid like flowers. Fruit is a red capsule
  • Plant Class: Tropical perennial shrub
  • Rhizome: reddish brown, wood, gingery rhizomes
  • Leaves:Reedlike stems, laneolate leaves up to 20 in long.
  • Preferred Habitat:Rainforest
  • Flowering Season:all year
  • Distribution:Southeast Asia, India, China and Australia

Regional Traditions :Southeast Asia *

Related Species Alpinia galangal, Greater galangal- Languas, Siamese Ginger
Kaempferia galanga commonly known as kencur, aromatic ginger, sand ginger or resurrection lily

books citedWorks Cited
  1. Catherine Yronwode Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic: A Materia Magica of African-American Conjure, and Traditional Formulary (2002).
  2. Deni Brown HSA Encyclopedia of Herbs & Their Uses, Pub. Dorling Kindersley (1995)
  3. The Commission E Monographs. Galangae rhizoma Galangtwurzelstock (1986, Rev 1990)