MayApple Podophyllum peltatum
- Common Names
- MayApple , American Mandrake
- Botanical Name
- Podophyllum peltatum
- Family
Medicinal Uses & Benefits of MayApple
How to Use|
Side Effects |
Plant & Garden|
- Medicinal Uses: * Warts
- Properties: * Cathartic * emetic * Vermifuge
- Parts Used: Rhizome
- Constituents: berberine ,podophyllin,podophyllotoxin, quercetin
How to Use: MayApple
Podophyllum resin obtained from the root is the only part of the plant used in herbal medicine. The plant was used by the American Indians as a cathartic, to induce vomiting, and as an emetic but it is now considered too toxic. The main therapeutic use of the resinous root of mayapple is that of a topical treatment for genital warts and similar papillomas caused by viral infection. In Japan, mandrake is used to make Hakkakuren, an over the counter preparation for removing genital warts.
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Preparation Methods & Dosage :DO NOT TAKE INTERNALLY. Podophyllum resin may be prepared from a tincture of the root, and applied to the skin in small areas. This preparation and application should be done by a qualified practitioner. Poisoning has occurred from topical treatment.
MayApple Side Effects: POISONOUS. Do not ingest any part of this plant, even the edible berries can cause vomiting if eaten in excess. Use of this plant is best left to those with extensive knowledge of plant medicines. If using an over the counter preparation of Podophyllum, follow directions carefully, and treat only small areas of skin.
Plant Description
Mayapple is native to North America. It grows in wet meadow lands and in damp, open woods. It flowers in may and fruits in August. The fruit tastes somewhat like that of paw-paw, and is the only part of the plant that can be eaten, in moderation. The leaves and stems are poisonous and ingestion can be fatal. 3
Regional Traditions :North America *
History and Traditions & Folklore
Used medicinally by Native Americans, the and studied by the Eclectics in the 19th century. Dr. John King 'discovered' the root's active resinous compounds in 1835. 2
Works Cited

- Mountain Rose Herbs
- Brinker, Francis. Podophyllum and Podophyllin Eclectic Medical Journals. Vol. II, No. 2, April/May 1996:2-5. American Botanical Council
- Millspaugh, Charles F. "American Medicinal Plants" (1882)