Pine Pinus sylvestris

- Common Names
- Pine , Scots Pine
- Botanical Name
- Pinus sylvestris
- Family
Medicinal Uses & Benefits of Pine
How to Use|
Side Effects |
Plant & Garden|
Aromatherapy Oil |
- Medicinal Uses: * Aromatherapy
* Arthritis
* Christmas
* Circulation
* Colds
* Congestion
* Gout
* Herbal Steam
* Pain Relief
* Rheumatoid_arthritis
- Properties: * Analgesic * Anodyne * Antibacterial * Appetite Depressant * Aromatic * Depurative * Energize * Mental Clarity * Mood * Refresh
- Parts Used: Needles
- Constituents: bornyl acetate, cadinene, dipentene, phellandrene, pinene, sylvestrene
How to Use: Pine
Pine has a long history of use as a pain reliever in arthritis, aches, pains and sore muscles. Pine needle oil is used as a component in cough and cold medicines, vaporizer fluids, nasal decongestants, and analgesic ointments. Pine is combined with eucalyptus and peppermint oils for acute cold and nasal inflammation in Germany.1 In Switzerland, mattresses are filled with pine needles for treating rheumatic ailments such as arthritis and gout. When added to massage oils or used in baths pine oil is very effective in treating pain and promotes circulation to swollen joints and limbs.
The pinolenic acid contained in pine nut oil can help curb appetite, and is marketed as a weight loss supplement under the trade name Pinno Thin©
Preparation Methods & Dosage :Most often used as an essential oil, pine is used in aroma lamps to clear congestion and disinfect the air and surfaces. Pine oil is also used, well diluted, in massage oil blends.

Pine Remedies
Pine : Essential Oil Profile
Pine oil is distilled from the twigs and needles of the Scotch pine that grows throughout much of Europe and Asia. It has a fresh, resinous, camphor-like aroma.
Pine Side Effects: Pine oil should always be well diluted as it can be irritating to sensitive skin. Beware of adulteration's.
Plant Description

Koehler's Medicinal-Plants 1887
All the Pines yield resin in greater or smaller quantities, which is obtained by tapping the trees. The crude resin is almost entirely used for the distillation of Oil of Turpentine and Rosin, only small quantities being employed medicinally - for ointments, plasters, etc. When the Oil of Turpentine is entirely distilled off, the residuum is Rosin or Colophony, but when only part of the oil is extracted, the viscous mass remaining is known commercially as common Crude Turpentine. Grive, M.,634
History and Traditions & Folklore
Hippocrates used pine to treat pulmonary problems and Pliny recommended it for respiratory conditions. The Romans used pine nuts for food, and the trees were used for sailing masts. Walji, H.Ph.D.,123Scotch pine is one of the most popular choices for Christmas trees. The invigorating pine scent the pervades the home when the tree is brought indoors is perhaps the signature aroma of the holiday season, a tradition that predates Christmas. Wreaths and pine cone displays can take the place of a bulky tree if you like, and a few drops essential oil of pine can freshen the scent.