Caraway Carum carvi

Caraway seed
- Common Names
- Caraway Seed
- Botanical Name
- Carum carvi
- Family
Medicinal Uses & Benefits of Caraway Seed
How to Use|
Side Effects |
Plant & Garden|
Aromatherapy Oil |
- Medicinal Uses: * Bronchitis
* Candida/yeast
* Children
* Culinary/Kitchen
* Digestion
- Properties: * Analgesic * Antispasmodic * Aromatic * Calm * Carminative * Digestive * Emmenagogue * Febrifuge * Galactagogue
- Parts Used: Seeds, Essential Oil
- Constituents: essential oils, mostly carvone and limonene
How to Use: Caraway
Caraway is best known as the crunchy seeds atop dark rye bread but this familar kitchen spice is also one of the best herbs to prevent gas and bloating. Caraway is also a good remedy for colds and congestion, it contains mild antihistamines, antimicrobial compounds that help to relax the muscles that cause coughing spasms. Caraway seeds are also used in a number of medicinal preparations for treating disorders such as rheumatism, eye infections and toothaches. Caraway seed oil is used in treating fungus infections as well, and is effective against candida infections. Caraway is often used in combination with peppermint oil to relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and indigestion.
Preparation Methods & Dosage :Make caraway Seed tea, or tincture.The seeds can be eaten as a snack or sprinkled on baked goods

Caraway Remedies
Caraway : Essential Oil Profile
Caraway oil has a strong, warm, sweet-spicy odor, and blends well with other spicy oils.
In the Kitchen: The roots may be boiled and treated like cooked parsnips or carrots. The young leaves can be used in salads or for seasoning soups and stews. The licorice flavored seeds give rye bread its characteristic taste. They are also good in potato soup, cheese spreads, sauerkraut and salad dressings.
Caraway Side Effects: If you have a kidney problem, be careful with caraway.
Plant Description

Koehler's Medicinal-Plants 1887
Caraway is a member of the carrot family. It has tiny white or red tinged flower clusters. Each "seed" is half of a caraway fruit which is used whole or ground in cooking and herbal medicine. All parts of the plant are edible, roots, leaves and seeds. Native to Africa, it now grows wild over most of North America.
Regional Traditions :Middle East *

- Maud Grieve. "A Modern Herbal" Harcourt, (1931) A curious superstition was held in olden times about the Caraway. It was deemed to confer the gift of retention, preventing the theft of any object which contained it, and holding the thief in custody within the invaded house. In like manner it was thought to keep lovers from proving fickle (forming an ingredient of love potions), and also to prevent fowls and pigeons from straying. It is an undoubted fact that tame pigeons, who are particularly fond of the seeds, will never stray if they are given a piece of baked Caraway dough in their cote. ,
- James Duke. "The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook" Rodale Books, (2000) Caraway has been used with success in combination with peppermint oil in treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. ,pp60-61