Improve genital blood flow Ginkgo's hallmark effect is increased circulation, the better to prepare for the heart-racing excitement of sex. Research shows it to improve genital blood flow in both men and women, making for higher libido, and improved erections, and better orgasms. |
Herbalists have long known that there are many herbs that enhance sexual desire and performance in both men and women. One of the best known and studied sexual tonics,
Ginseng has been used by the Chinese to stimulate desire and stamina for at least two thousand years. In ayuverdic medicine, the people of India use ashwaganda, often called "Indian Ginseng" because of its tonic effect on sexual potency. In the Americas, the Aztec Indians used damiana to heighten sexual experience, while in Brazil,
muira puama has been known as "the herb of love".
Much of American medicine has been too tightly focused on symptoms and diseases rather than causes. When it comes to sex, the most high-profile instance is the immediate and widespread appeal of Viagra. This expensive and temporary drug does not address poor circulation, which is the underlying cause of erectile dysfunction, in a long term way. Many herbs such as ginkgo biloba that improve circulation to the whole body, including the pelvic region help cure erectile dysfunction. Herbal aphrodisiacs not only improve your sex life but nourish your overall health, and enhance your sense of well-being.
For both men and women, the sex drive is fueled by testosterone, but sexual responsiveness takes more than that. Healthy adrenal glands release chemicals that trigger the special scent that researchers believe we all have. Both partners feel relaxed and comfortable with themselves and each other. They have both the physical and emotional energy to pursue what body chemistry has set in motion, and the healthy heart and arteries to pump blood and deliver hormonal messages where they need to go.
Testosterone not only fuels the sexual drive, but acts as mild anti-depressant. Abnormally low levels of testosterone will have a marked effect on a man's mental outlook and sex drive, depressing both their mood and libido. Women too get their sex drive from the male hormone testosterone, but estrogen also plays an important role. Low levels can cause vaginal dryness and thinning of the vagina walls, making sex uncomfortable instead of pleasure able. Herbs such as ginseng and supplements like Arginine in of themselves do not contain human hormones, but act as tonics that encourage the body to produce normal levels.
Adrenal Glands
The adrenal glands have a big impact on our health because of the their role in producing a variety of hormone that regulate many physical responses, not just gender-oriented ones. Most people are familiar with adrenaline and the "fight or flight" response. This survival mechanism that served us well in the caveman days is now days triggered by traffic jams, stressful pressures of the office workday and other travails of modern life. The adrenaline rush caused the arteries to constrict, keeping blood from the extremities so it is available to the brain and internal organs. Even after you think you have calmed down, your body is still reeling from the hormones that flooded your system. The result is not a such a good thing for that all important "extremity" when you hit the door after a stressful day and your partner wants to hit the hay. Tonic herbs such as ashwaganda and ginseng balance the system if it is stressed, and energize it when it is fatigued, both of which result from too many adrenaline hits. Adrenal health is also supported by vitamin C, and pantothenic acid (B5),so make sure and include a good multivitamin in your sexual health routine, especially if you are not getting enough from fresh fruits, vegetable and nuts.
Another chemical produced by the adrenal glands that has received a lot of attention is DHEA. Often billed as a "anti-aging" hormone, it is the basic ingredient of other sex-related hormones such as progesterone. Sufficient DHEA levels have been implicated in pheromone production, however scientists are split on whether humans still retain this "sexy smell" ability or whether it is just a marketers wet dream. They do agree that DHEA is one of the prevalent chemical building blocks in our bodies.
The brain is the body's biggest sex organ, the limbic system of the brain rules desire and emotion. While men may scoff at what women know as a fact, without the brain triggering the chemical reaction that signals the release of hormones, nothing exciting is going to happen
Stress can be the death of your sex drive. When hormone levels are too unbalanced to easily restore it can result in chronic fatigue, healthy blood circulation is diminished. Chronic stress conditions not only kill the mood, but will kill you if left untreated. According to three new research studies, men with erectile dysfunction (ED) are more likely to have heart disease than their counterparts. (1)Taking drugs can relax your inhibitions, but they also numb the senses. It is no wonder that people are turning to traditional herbal medicine as an alternative approach to sexual and overall health.
Aphrodisiac : Many herbs and aromatic oils increase sexual desire by creating moods and emotions conductive to lovemaking. Start out slowly and pay attention to what your body is telling you. When taking herbs, balance is the key. | | Women's Tonics : A healthy, functioning liver is an important part of hormone production and hormonal balance is an important factor in PMS, menopause, regulating menses, and maintaining a healthy libido. | | Sexual tonics : Any drug or herb that addresses sexual performance is bound to get considerable attention, but do so called "herbal viagra" formulas really work? Learn which herbs really work for Low libido problems and sexual health | | Prostate health : Key to your sexual performance, this walnut-sized organ heightens orgasmic feelings and makes vital contributions to your sperm count. | |
Natural Sexual Health: References

- Duke, James The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook .(December 15, 2000)
- Linda B. White, M.D., Steven Foster. Herbal Drugstore (2003)
- Robert B Tisserand, The Art of Aromatherapy (1977)
- Richard Mabey, The New Age Herbalist (1988)
- Steven Foster and Yue chongxi, Herbal Emissaries (1992)
- Maud Grieve, Modern Herbal Vols 1, II (1931)
- Richo Cech, Making Plant Medicine (2000)
- www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed
- Phyllis A. Balch, Prescription for Herbal Healing (2002)
- Adele Dawson, Herbs: Partners in Life (2000)
- Penelope Ody, Home Herbal (1995)
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