Yohimbe Bark Tea

Yohimbe bark tea

While Yohimbe herb is often thought of for male erectile dysfunction support, most people don't realize that yohimbe is also effective in women. This herb increases blood flow to the genitals of both males and females giving women an enhanced sensation and engorgement of genital organs. Not the most pleasant tasting stuff, but you don't need to drink too much. Start out with a few tablespoons of the decoction, until you get a feel for how sensitive you are to the herb's effects and side effects.

Yohimbe *
Recipe Instructions: Decoction
Source: Duke,James, Ph.D. (2000). "The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook"

Tags and Uses for this Remedy

  • African : The ancient African healers had an elaborate materia medica, most of the over 5,000 plant species have been used for food and medicine for centuries.
  • Aphrodisiac :As any woman will tell you, the best aphrodisiacs are the ones that work on the mind/body/spirit; addressing both physical and emotional needs.
  • Libido :For both men and women, herbal remedies to enhance libido not only improve your sex life but nourish your overall health and enhance your sense of well-being.
  • Men :There are areas of interest natural health that are of special concern to men, However, several herbs, notably
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