Antiscorbutic:Herbal Sources Of Vitamin C

Plants that are good sources of Vitamin include the citrus oranges, lemon, and lime. These plants were valued in the past for the prevention of scurvy. Add some tasty rose hips to your favorite herbal tea for a great source of bio-available vitamin C.In addition to citrus, horseradish also is a vitamin Cresource and compliments teas and tonics to provide this important vitamin.

  • Herb Properties
  • Herbs Alphabetical by Common Name

  • See List Herbs by Botanical Name

  • Bitter Melon Bitter Melon, Momordica charantia : balsam pear, bitter gourd, Karela
    Gourd : The gourd-like fruit has a long history as a treatment for diabetes. Bitter melon improves the body's ability to use blood sugar and improves glucose tolerances. ...
  • Cayenne Pepper Cayenne Pepper, Capsicum minimum : Capsicum ,African Pepper, Chillies, Bird Pepper
    Tender perennial shrub : Capsicum, an extract from cayenne and other peppers, can dramatically reduce chronic nerve pain, and is effective against chronic pain like arthritis and neuralgia...
  • Horseradish root Horseradish root, Armoracia rusticana :
    perennial plant : Grated, fresh horseradish is pungent source of mustard oil, and is used in herbal kitchen medicine in much the same way as mustard. Horseradish may be one of the fastest ways to clear congested sinuses, and its antibiotic properties helps to h...
  • Horsetail Horsetail, Equisetum arvense : Shavegrass
    Grass : Gently stimulating increased urinary flow, horsetail helps flush infectious bacteria out of the bladder without altering the body's balance of electrolytes...
  • Kelp/Bladderwrack Kelp/Bladderwrack, Fucus vesiculosis : Fucus, Seaweed, dried
    Seaweed : Kelp is commonly used in herbal medicine to stimulate the thyroid function, and can be effective in weight loss as part of a low calorie diet....
  • Lemon Lemon, Citrus limonum :
    Fruit Tree : Lemon is used in herbal medicine to help build immunity against colds, influenza, and other viral infections. Lemon has high vitamin C content, antibacterial and astringent properties...
  • Lime Oil Lime Oil, Citrus aurantifolia :
    Citrus tree : The lime fruit is antiscorbutic, (high in Vitamin C). The delightful, tangy, citrus aroma of lime essential oil is used in aromatherapy to compliment or substitute for the lemon....
  • Noni Noni, Morinda citrifolia : Indian Mulberry, Mengkudu, Nono, Nhau, Ashyuka.
    Evergreen tree : Noni juice, and powder is far from a new fad,, the fruit and other parts of the tree have been used in Ayuverdic medicine and by traditional Polynesian healers for centuries....
  • Orange Orange, Citrus sinensis, Citrus spp. : Mandarin Orange, Tangerine
    tree : Oranges are a healthy source of vitamin C and other nutrients, as well as one of the most versatile aromatherapy oils. Orange peel is used as a zest in cooking and as a tea....
  • Rose Rose, Rosa spp :
    Perennial : Rose petals suitable for medicinal purposes are deeply rose-colored and fragrant....
  • Sheep Sorrel Sheep Sorrel, Rumex acetosella var. vulgaris : Sheep or field sorrel, oseille
    Perennial : Sheep sorrel is used most famously as an ingredient in Essiac formulas, and the herb has a long history of use in folklore...
  • Shepherd's Purse Shepherd's Purse, Capsella bursa-pastoris : Pickpurse, Casewort
    Annual Herb : Shepherd's purse is one of the foremost herbs used to stop bleeding an effect due to the tyramine and other amines it contains...