Jambul Eugenia Jambolana
- Common Names
- Jambul
- Botanical Name
- Eugenia Jambolana
- Syn. Syzygium jambolanum, Eugenia cumini
- Family
Medicinal Uses & Benefits of Jambul
How to Use|
Side Effects |
Plant & Garden|
- Medicinal Uses: * Diabetes
- Properties: * Carminative * Hypoglycemic
- Parts Used: Seeds, leaves, and bark
- Constituents: oleanolic acid,
How to Use: Jambul
The fruit and seeds of the Jambul tree have long been used in Eastern traditional medicine, and are gaining more interest here in the West for the treatment of diabetes. Practitioners of Ayurveda in India value jambul for lowering blood sugar and researchers are investigating its potential as a male contraceptive. Jambul is used in Unani and Chinese medicine for digestive ailments. The leaves and bark are used for controlling blood pressure and gingivitis. Wine and vinegar are also made from the fruit. It has a high source in vitamin A and vitamin C. 1,3
Preparation Methods & Dosage :Add jambul seeds to cooking daily. Ayurvedic medicine teaches that jambul is synergistic with okra; when okra and jambul are eaten together, jambul's blood-sugar-lowering action is intensified. Also available in liquid extracts and capsules.
Jambul Side Effects: Monitor blood sugar levels carefully - do not change insulin dosage without the guidance of a physician.
Plant Description
- Flowers:
- Plant Class:Evergreen tree
- Leaves:long narrow peach-like leaves; flowers a greeny-yellow colour, in terminal bunches,
- Fruit: Apricot scent and taste, seeds are oval, blacky-grey colour
- Preferred Habitat:Tropical forest
- Flowering Season:March to April
- Distribution:Native to India, Pakistan and Indonesia found throughout Asia, Australia and is common in former British tropical colonies.
- A tree from 20 to 30 feet high, with long narrow peach-like leaves; flowers a greeny-yellow colour, in terminal bunches, blooming in July; the fruit about the size of a hen's egg, varying from white to red and rose colour, in scent and taste like a ripe apricot. It was cultivated in England by Miller in 1768. The bark is dense and hard, pinky or reddy-brown colour, with a thick corky substance, whitish grey mottled, often ridged; the inner surface has a silky lustre; freshly fractured it shows a colour varying from fawn to a pinky purple, abruptly shortly fibrous; seeds are oval, 1/2 inch long and 1/5 inch round, hard, heavy, blacky-grey colour, almost tasteless. 2
Regional Traditions :Ayurvedic * Southeast Asia *
History and Traditions & Folklore
According to Hindu tradition, Rama subsisted on the fruit in the forest for 15 years during his exile from Ayodhya. Because of this, many Hindus regard Jambul as a 'fruit of the gods,' especially in Gujarat, India, where it is known locally as jamboon. 3

- Balch, Phyllis A. . "Prescription for Herbal Healing", Avery (2002)
- Grieve, Maud Mrs. "A Modern Herbal" (1931)
- Wikipedia