Corn Silk Zea mays

Zea mays
  • Common Names
  • Corn Silk , Indian Corn
  • Botanical Name
  • Zea mays
  • Family

Medicinal Uses & Benefits of Corn Silk

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How to Use: Corn Silk

Zea mays, the botanical name for corn comes from Greek, meaning to live. Mays comes from Spanish, the same word as a term in a native Mexican language meaning "mother," or "mother of life", reflecting the central importance of corn in the lives of early Americans. 121 Corn silk, the white and brown tipped tassels that surround an ear of corn end up in the trash in most kitchens, are the most interesting part of the plant to the herbalist. Corn silk tea has a long history of use in traditional folk medicine as a diuretic used to treat chronic inflammation in the urinary tract or kidneys. Duke 83 Cornmeal is also used in home herbalism as a binder for poultices.

Preparation Methods & Dosage :Usually taken as a tea, or extract.

see remedies

Corn Silk Remedies

Corn Silk Side Effects: Do not use corn silk if you also take Lasix (furosemide), or any other prescriptions for water retention.

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Plant Description

Columbus discovered maize in the New World in 1492 and brought it back to Spain, from where it spread throughout Europe, to North Africa, the Middle East, India and China. Maize (Zea mays, or corn as it is known in some countries) is the only cereal crop that has an American origin and which is now a principal cereal crop in tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world. 121

Regional Traditions :Central and South America *

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