Calendula Oil

Calendula Oil

Calendula infused oil is one of the best healing oils to have on hand. It is good for the whole family and treats everything from diaper rash and eczema to dry, damaged skin. The orange and yellow petals of the calendula infuse the oil with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and astringent properties. Calendula oil is expensive to buy, but easy and cost-effective to make yourself at home.

Calendula *
Recipe Instructions: Herbal Oil Infusions :
  1. Heat olive, safflower, almond or other carrier oil gently in a double boiler or water bath until it reaches body temperature.
  2. Remove from heat.
  3. Stir in as many calendula flowers as will go in the oil.
  4. Pour mixture into a heavy jar and infuse for 7 to 14 days in a dark and warm place.
  5. Strain with muslin or layered cheesecloth and store in clean, dry glass jars.
Calendula oil is often used as a base oils for salves. If you use fresh blossoms it is best to let them dry for a few days before adding to the oil. Dry any condensation that forms in the jar to prevent spoilage.
Source: References

Tags and Uses for this Remedy

  • Cuts & Wounds : Knowing how to use simple home remedies for healing and disinfecting cuts and scrapes an important part in taking care of your family and yourself.
  • Herb_Infused_Oil :Herb infused oils are easy to make, even for beginning home herbalists. A warm sunny window, dried or fresh herbs, organic olive oil and a little time is all you need. Remedies using comfrey, calendula, St. Johns wort and others are indispensable healing agents for healing agent for treating cuts, scrapes, chapped skin, diaper rash, eczema, and windburn etc..
  • Insect/flea Bites :Herbal oils make excellent after-bite remedies because they calm the inflammation, reduce itching, are antibacterial and regenerative to damaged skin.
  • Rashes :Poison ivy, allergic reactions, flea and insect bites, diaper rash - these can all be treated at home using your own herbal remedies.
  • Skin Care :Natural, organic skin care remedies do a better job of protecting and healing skin than store bought cosmetics.
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