Warming Pain Blend

Rosemary pain blends

Rosemary essential oil

Rosemary essential oil is a stimulating and pain relieving oil to use for massage on sore muscles and any other kind of body pain. Blends well with other camphorous oils like pine and eucalyptus.

Juniper * Lavender * Rosemary *
Variations:Eucalyptus, lavender, cardamom, frankincense, black pepper, pine
Recipe Instructions: Bath :Use in a bath with 2 cups of Epsom salts, or use as a massage blend diluted with carrier oils.

Tags and Uses for this Remedy

  • Aromatherapy :Essential oils are a powerful way to enhance the beauty of your home and health.
  • Arthritis :There are many other herbal medicines that fight inflammation and relieve pain; you will find the details on how to use them in the following pages.
  • Gout :Gout, one of the most painful forms of arthritis, is found primarily in men. While we can't cure it, we do have several highly effective herbal treatments to control it.
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