Cooling Constipation Medicine

Cooling Constipation Medicine

Mix two ounces of Epsom salts with one ounce of camomile flowers and add an ounce of cream of Tartar. Put all into a jug and pour over a pint of boiling water. Let it stand till cold, stir well and pour into a bottle. The dose is half a wineglassful each morning in an equal quantity of boiling water.

Chamomile *
Recipe Instructions: Herbal Tea : Any medicine which contains salts should be taken warm — please remember that
Source: Mrs Lavender. "Mrs. Lavender's Herbal Book", Mellifont Press (1930)

Tags and Uses for this Remedy

  • Constipation :Drinking herbal teas containing gentle laxatives remedies such as dandelion, chicory and chickweed help to keep you regular and prevent constipation.
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