Green And Red Tea Break

Green and red tea break

Rooibos and green tea - this colorful green and red tea combination is chock full of tasty antioxidants. Makes a great mid morning or afternoon pick-me-up. Use a pinch of stevia instead of the honey if you are watching your weight. This tea will help burn calories.

Rooibos * Tea *
Additions: raw honey, lemon, dash cinnamon
Recipe Instructions: Herbal Tea :Only steep for 2 to 3 minutes to avoid bitterness

Tags and Uses for this Remedy

  • Diet/weight Loss :Weight loss is one of the most popular uses for herbs and also the most misused and misunderstood Learn the facts.
  • Herbal Teas :Herbal Tea - This method is commonly referred to as a standard brew., or herbal infusion. Herbal tea making is just as much of an art as it is a science
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