Savory Satureja montana

Satureja montana
Winter savory
  • Common Names
  • Savory, Winter, Summer
  • Botanical Name
  • Satureja montana
  • Family

Medicinal Uses & Benefits of Savory, Winter, Summer

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How to Use: Savory

Winter savory, and its annual cousin summer savory, Satureja hortensis, are known mainly as culinary herbs, though they do possess medicinal properties. Savory is a carminative herb recommend for gas and digestive upsets, including colic, diarrhea and indigestion. Its antiseptic and astringent properties make it a good treatment for sore throats. A poultice of the leaves gives quick relief to insect bites.

Winter savory has a stronger, more resinous flavor than the milder annual summer savory, both impart a peppery bite to foods and blend well with thyme, marjoram and basil. Both are used to marinate meats, add flavor to beans and vegetables. Savory are known especially as "bean herbs", because of the added flavor as well a reduction in flatulence and gas.

Preparation Methods & Dosage :Savory is used fresh or dried in cooking, and can be taken as a tea.

Savory Side Effects: None noted

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Plant Description

  • Flowers:Spikes of dainty white or lilac, with purple spotting on the lower lip
  • Plant Class:Perennial Shrub
  • Leaves: Semi-evergreen, narrow, dark-green and glossy
  • Preferred Habitat:Light well drained soil in full sun
  • Flowering Season:July - September. You can harvest fresh leaves as needed
  • Distribution: natives of the Mediterranean region, grown worldwide in temperate zones

Regional Traditions :European *

How to Grow Savory

Winter savory is a perennial hardy to Zone 5. It is a compact shrub, 8 to 16 inches in height. It prefers well drained soil in full sun. Savory can be propagated from cuttings or root division, or you can start seed indoors and transplant to garden after all chance of frost has passed. Summer savory is an annual and likes the same conditions as its hardy cousin.

Related Species Satureja hortensis L. summer savory
Satureja montana L. winter savory

books citedWorks Cited
  1. Mountain Rose Herbs
  2. Grieve, Maud Mrs. "A Modern Herbal" (1931)