Annies Remedy - Herbs for Self Healing

St Johns Wort
St. Johns Wort

Annies Remedy A-Z Medicinal Herb Chart contains information on hundreds of traditional medicinal herbs and plants, yet it is still only a tiny fraction of the natural plants used for healing worldwide. The focus is for the most part on Western herbs though there is a sampling on the most popular herbs from the herbal traditions of China and Ayurveda as well as other cultures. The herb profiles include photographs, descriptions, medicinal uses, folklore, and references from the leading herbalists of today and ancient times. You can browse alphabetically by common names, to find information on a popular herb like ginger, or find it listed by its botanical name, Zingiber officinale.

Herbs are also grouped by their properties and actions. For example you will find herbs that are Adaptogens used in many herbal formulas for building the immune system and increasing the body's resistance to stress and adversity . Anti-inflammatory herbs help to calm flare ups in the digestive system as well as providing alternative remedies for arthritis. Antibacterial herbs help the body ward off cold germs and other infections of the airways while expectorants help to calm coughs.

Herbal Remedies The practical and common uses of herbs, as well as recipes and instructions on how to use them can be found in the herbal remedies section. The wise woman's knowledge of plants is of a practical nature, based on skill, observation, and recipes that are passed down from generation to generation. She was the family doctor, herbalist, candle maker, chef, and seamstress all rolled into one. This collection of herbal remedies grew out of a personal quest for self healing with herbal based alternative medicine. I hope you will find something here that helps you also, whatever your interest in natural, alternative medicine may be. Two of of the most popular uses for herbs according to our website visitors are: Natural strategies for healthy weight loss , and finding new ways to preserve and improve our ability to focus and combat memory loss . One of the most amazing things you will learn as you start to bring herbs and plants into use your daily life is how versatile they can be. We hope to provide you a good starting place in your search for health and well being.

Current month is 07

July - Featuring Basil



"Summertime...and the livin is easy"...

Well, not always, yet Summer is great for fun, even if it can be at times challenging for some of us!

In addition to the anticipated plunge into the waters, and playing in the sun, troublesome skin conditions can occur from the sun and insects.

Excessive thirst and exhaustion is frequent. And the reminder to not overdo in the heat requires a daily watch.

Some of the most appreciated natural remedies to help in these areas are low in cost, free of chemicals, and some ingredients come direct from our kitchen pantries and home gardens.

Don't forget to compensate yourself with a naturally, healthful iced drink. Simply add a non-caffeine tea or seltzer with ice and supplement with fresh grated ginger, mint, or the herb of your choice. Seltzer, fresh orange, lemon balm...all so nice. Basil is getting a lot of notice for being a great companion addition to cocktails. Interesting.

If you don't already know, check out the herbs and spices that are an addition to tea for heightening your mood, as well as providing other favorable health properties. Simple syrups are easy and...well..."simple" to make.
