Annies Remedy - Herbs for Self Healing

St Johns Wort
St. Johns Wort

Annies Remedy A-Z Medicinal Herb Chart contains information on hundreds of traditional medicinal herbs and plants, yet it is still only a tiny fraction of the natural plants used for healing worldwide. The focus is for the most part on Western herbs though there is a sampling on the most popular herbs from the herbal traditions of China and Ayurveda as well as other cultures. The herb profiles include photographs, descriptions, medicinal uses, folklore, and references from the leading herbalists of today and ancient times. You can browse alphabetically by common names, to find information on a popular herb like ginger, or find it listed by its botanical name, Zingiber officinale.

Herbs are also grouped by their properties and actions. For example you will find herbs that are Adaptogens used in many herbal formulas for building the immune system and increasing the body's resistance to stress and adversity . Anti-inflammatory herbs help to calm flare ups in the digestive system as well as providing alternative remedies for arthritis. Antibacterial herbs help the body ward off cold germs and other infections of the airways while expectorants help to calm coughs.

Herbal Remedies The practical and common uses of herbs, as well as recipes and instructions on how to use them can be found in the herbal remedies section. The wise woman's knowledge of plants is of a practical nature, based on skill, observation, and recipes that are passed down from generation to generation. She was the family doctor, herbalist, candle maker, chef, and seamstress all rolled into one. This collection of herbal remedies grew out of a personal quest for self healing with herbal based alternative medicine. I hope you will find something here that helps you also, whatever your interest in natural, alternative medicine may be. Two of of the most popular uses for herbs according to our website visitors are: Natural strategies for healthy weight loss , and finding new ways to preserve and improve our ability to focus and combat memory loss . One of the most amazing things you will learn as you start to bring herbs and plants into use your daily life is how versatile they can be. We hope to provide you a good starting place in your search for health and well being.

Current month is 10

October - Featuring Rosemary



I know... pumpkins are everywhere and the pumpkin & pumpkin spice flavors emerge into surprising places in our foods, drinks, and fragrances in our commercial marketplaces. Dried gourds of awesome shapes & designs and varied size pumpkins are common accents or centerpieces. I never got around to raising my own gourds, but this time of year usually brings up that repeating seasonal desire.

This is the time of year that I take a look for new perennial plants to consider for the next year for my garden. Hot summer is just a memory and as I look about, I think of options to add to my fall favorites in the garden and around my home.

If you don't have a garden of your own, just putting a few plants in pots on a porch or in the yard will bring benefits and enjoyment.

Over time, we realize which ones that we do best with and want to repeat each year. For example, the herbs Rosemary, Sage, and Mint can be kept going year after year. Seeing my Pineapple Sage return after the Winter is a real joy.

Rosemary has become one of my all time easy to grow and maintain. With so many culinary uses and medicinal properties, it can provide an anchor for numerous uses. I keep it as one of my staples year round and never want to be without it available.

Before the fall holidays arrive, this is such a good time to begin to prepare for some winter remedies for aiding respiratory ailments and to heal or maintain healthy skin. Dry some Sage leaves for later medicinal use in the winter.

In addition to all those delicious recipes you will be enjoying from someone's kitchen if not your own, do try some recipes for fragrances for the home, healing oils for the skin, and other aids... all for your senses and good health.