I was intrigued when reading this reference to "Herbal Tobacco" in M. Grieve's A
Modern Herbal
She prescribed this smoking mixture for "asthma, catarrh and the difficult
breathing of old bronchitis.", and went on to say that "The use of Herbal Tobacco
does not entail and of the injurious effects of ordinary tobacco". She did not
dispense the exact recipe to which she was referring, but I found this one in
"Mrs. Lavender's Herbal Book", which was published in the same year,
1930. The benefits of smoking herbs is not widely accepted in modern western herbalism,
though is stands in good regard in many other traditions. I have enjoyed
smoking this myself on occasion, adjusting the herbs to suit what I
have on hand,(Buckbean and Betony can be hard to find). So as they
if you like it,put it in your pipe and smoke it!
Recipe Instructions:
:Coltsfoot is the basis for all smoking mixtures. Take equal part of the following: Eyebright, Buckbean, Betony, Rosemary, Thyme, Lavender, Chamomile. These are dried and chopped fine, then an amount of Coltsfoot equal to all the rest is added and the "tobacco" is complete