Licorice Root Cold Tea

Licorice Root Cold Tea

Licorice root can be used alone, or added to other herbs in tea blends, for it's antiviral, expectorant, and throat soothing properties. Good for colds, congestion, asthma, dry coughs.

Licorice *
Recipe Instructions: Decoction

Tags and Uses for this Remedy

  • Colds : Be prepared for the cold and flu season by stocking your herbal medicine chest with a ready supply of herbs.
  • Longevity Tonics :Tonic herbs for longevity can be taken in small amounts over a long period of time, and are not meant to alter or effect any one symptom or disease.
  • Sore Throat :Herbal teas, steams, and gargles are the perfect vehicles for delivering powerful herbal medicine right where you need it for a sore throat
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