Cinnamon And Honey Tea

Cinnamon and Honey tea

Cinnamon makes a great tasting tea alone or added to almost any herbal tea blend for it's spicy, warm properties. The addition of honey brings out the organic sweetness of the cinnamon and complements the antibiotic healing for colds, sore throats, and other viral infections.

Cinnamon *
Additions: Honey, spice blends
Recipe Instructions: Decoction :One teaspoon of small chips per 1 cup water, or break up a small to medium stick per 2 cups water, simmer on low heat, covered. Use organic cinnamon chips or sticks for best results. Finely ground cinnamon powders tend to make tea cloudy.

Tags and Uses for this Remedy

  • Allergies :Common herbal remedies such for allergies
  • Colds : Be prepared for the cold and flu season by stocking your herbal medicine chest with a ready supply of herbs.
  • Detoxification :Regular use of depurative herbs will help detox your body and most importantly support your liver. Poor liver function is one of the most common root causes of poor health.
  • Diabetes :Healthy herbs in the kitchen work along with a healthy lifestyle to help prevent and manage diabetes. Baked goods are more diabetic friendly with spices like cinnamon used to lessen the need for sugar.
  • Digestion : Poor digestion, gas and bloating affect us all, and there are plenty of good herbal home remedies that help occasional heartburn.
  • Herbal Teas :Herbal Tea - This method is commonly referred to as a standard brew., or herbal infusion. Herbal tea making is just as much of an art as it is a science
  • Honey :Honey is not just a sweetener for your herbal teas. Raw, organic honey is an active healing agent adding valuable antiseptic and demulcent properties to your home herbal remedies.
  • IBS :Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), is a debilitating disorder of the intestines that comes with abdominal pain, cramps,gas and bloating, and irregular bowel movements.
  • Nausea :Use these simple remedies for quick relief of nausea, nervous stomach, motion sickness, morning sickness and quell nausea of all types.
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