Couch Grass Tea

Couch Grass Tea

Couch grass is demulcent, meaning it soothes inflammations of mucosal linings in the throat, stomach and urinary tract. Loosens phlegm and makes speaking easier in cases of laryngitis.

Buchu * Corn Silk * Couch Grass * Uva-ursi *
Recipe Instructions: Decoction :To make this root tea use 2 teaspoons of dried and cut root/per cup of water. Bring to a slow boil, and simmer, following the directions for making root decoctions. The tea may be taken up to 3 times daily. Couch grass decoctions can also be added to baths and used for irrigation therapy.

Tags and Uses for this Remedy

  • Bladder Infection (UTI) :Drinking herbal teas is a time tested method of combating bladder and urinary tract infections.
  • Infection :Herbal remedies are effective, safer, and cost less to use than synthetic compounds and antibiotics.
  • Sore Throat :Herbal teas, steams, and gargles are the perfect vehicles for delivering powerful herbal medicine right where you need it for a sore throat
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