Couch grass is demulcent, meaning it soothes inflammations of mucosal linings in the throat, stomach and urinary tract. Loosens phlegm and makes speaking easier in cases of laryngitis.
Buchu * Corn Silk * Couch Grass * Uva-ursi *
Recipe Instructions:
:To make this root tea use 2 teaspoons of dried and cut root/per cup of water. Bring to a slow boil, and simmer, following the directions for making root decoctions. The tea may be taken up to 3 times daily. Couch grass decoctions can also be added to baths and used for irrigation therapy.
Tags and Uses for this Remedy
- Bladder Infection (UTI) :Drinking herbal teas is a time tested method of combating bladder and urinary tract infections.
- Infection :Herbal remedies are effective, safer, and cost less to use than synthetic compounds and antibiotics.
- Sore Throat :Herbal teas, steams, and gargles are
the perfect vehicles for delivering powerful herbal medicine right where you
need it for a sore throat
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