Natural Herbs Support For Some Touched By Cancer
Camellia sinensis
* Olive * Garlic * Ginger * Turmeric * Licorice * Celery * Cilantro * Parsley * Blessed Thistle * Holy Basil * Grapes * Evening Primrose * Cannabis sativa
A diet rich in plant food coupled with sensible lifestyle choices is the most important thing you can do to increase your odds of beating cancer. The numbers are quite staggering, people who eat lots of fruits and vegetables have about one-half the risk of cancer and a lower death rate than those who don't.
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Cancer Remedies
According to The National Cancer Institute, some of the foods and herbs you should be with the highest anticancer action are garlic, cabbage, ginger,, turmeric, licorice, and the umbelliferous vegetables (including carrots, celery, cilantro, parsley and parsnips). They also include soybeans in the list, however concerns about genetically modified (GM) soy have led many people to turn away from soy products in recent years. 10Remember, cancer is too serious a condition to self medicate. There are no silver bullets, and no miracle cures. That said, there are many natural herbal treatments that fly below the radar of conventional medicine, and are deserving of consideration.
Herbal medicine provides a wide array of herbs that can be enlisted in the fight against cancer. Most prominent on the list are: blessed thistle, 2,16, holy basil,3 grapes, 9 evening primrose oil, and olive leaf. I would encourage you to learn more about these healing herbs by clicking through to the in-depth herb profiles.
Cannabis sativa is also one of the few things that can reliably relieve nausea induced by chemotherapy. While many states have passed more enlightened laws pertaining to its use, it is still unfortunately out of reach for many cancer patients. 6