Goldenseal Leaf Oil

Goldenseal leaf oil

This oil is best used as an antibacterial for treating wounds, and is healing to traumatized or infected mucous membranes.

Goldenseal *
Recipe Instructions: Herbal Oil Infusions :Infuse with a steady low heat(110 degrees) for 2 weeks.
Source: References

Tags and Uses for this Remedy

  • Cuts & Wounds : Knowing how to use simple home remedies for healing and disinfecting cuts and scrapes an important part in taking care of your family and yourself.
  • Herb_Infused_Oil :Herb infused oils are easy to make, even for beginning home herbalists. A warm sunny window, dried or fresh herbs, organic olive oil and a little time is all you need. Remedies using comfrey, calendula, St. Johns wort and others are indispensable healing agents for healing agent for treating cuts, scrapes, chapped skin, diaper rash, eczema, and windburn etc..
  • Infection :Herbal remedies are effective, safer, and cost less to use than synthetic compounds and antibiotics.
  • North American : Many important North American medicinal herbs are woodland species, the uses and knowledge of which was passed along to the colonists of the New World from the indigenous native tribes
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