Pygeum Prunus africanum

  • Common Names
  • Pygeum
  • Botanical Name
  • Prunus africanum
  • Syn. P. africana
  • Family

Medicinal Uses & Benefits of Pygeum

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How to Use: Pygeum

Pygeum is often combined with
saw palmetto for prostate health

The terpenes in pygeum have an anti-swelling effect. Terpenes are present in many plants that produce fragrant essential oils. Prostaglandins are inflammatory hormones that tend to accumulate in the prostates of men with BPH. Research indicates that the phytosterols in pygeum interfere with the formation of these prostaglandins, helping to reduce inflammation and swelling of the prostate. When taken correctly, pygeum is considered one of the safest herbs used for male health, and often is combined with saw palmetto for maximum results.

Preparation Methods & Dosage :One hundred to 200 milligrams of a standardized supplement daily, Tinctures. Pygeum can be used with saw palmetto, stinging nettle root, and/or bee pollen to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia, and made into hair loss prevention shampoos with saw palmetto and stinging nettle root.

Pygeum Side Effects: Non-toxic, but can cause nausea in some cases.

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books citedWorks Cited
  1. Among 2351 newly-presenting LUTS/BPH patients in 6 European countries, significant improvements were seen in 43% of patients on phytotherapy with Serenoa repens or Pygeum africanum compared to 57% of those on finasteride and 68% on alpha-blockers. Hutchison 2007
  2. A number of short-term randomised trials and some meta-analyses suggest clinical efficacy and good tolerability of Serenoa repens and Pygeum africanum, products with high concentrations of beta-sitosterol, in treating lower urinary tract symptoms and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Dreikorn 2002