Guggal For Acne

Guggal for acne

Guggal helps to relieve infected cysts and nodules by decreasing inflammation. Especially useful for oily skin. Available in tablet form, suggested dose 250-500mg 3 times daily for 3 months

Guggal (Myrrh) *
Recipe Instructions:
Source: Balch, Phyllis A.,CNC. "Prescription for Herbal Healing", (2002)

Tags and Uses for this Remedy

  • Acne :Herbal remedies for acne both clear the skin and heal the scars acne leaves in the wake of a breakout
  • African : The ancient African healers had an elaborate materia medica, most of the over 5,000 plant species have been used for food and medicine for centuries.
  • Skin Care :Natural, organic skin care remedies do a better job of protecting and healing skin than store bought cosmetics.
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