Marsh Mallow Tea

Marsh Mallow tea

Marsh mallow is soothing to upper respiratory tract irritations, provides a soothing, lubricating barrier in urinary tract infections compounded by gravel, and combats bacteria. Very helpful in relieving sore throats and dry, raspy coughs.

pet remedy Use marsh mallow in much the same way for pets for coughs and UTIs. Add 1/4 teaspoon of marshmallow tea to food or water for lubricating and expelling fur balls in cats. Marsh mallow powdered root added to pet food provides bulk to relieve constipation.
Marsh mallow *
Recipe Instructions: Decoction :Use 1 teaspoon of dried root to each cup water. Bring to a boil over a low heat and steep for 10 minutes.

Tags and Uses for this Remedy

  • Bladder Infection (UTI) :Drinking herbal teas is a time tested method of combating bladder and urinary tract infections.
  • Colds : Be prepared for the cold and flu season by stocking your herbal medicine chest with a ready supply of herbs.
  • Cough :Homemade cough syrups and herbal medicine teas make use of simple ingredients like honey and infused with healing herbs.
  • Gastritis/ulcer :Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining.
  • Infection :Herbal remedies are effective, safer, and cost less to use than synthetic compounds and antibiotics.
  • Kidney :Herbs used for kidney infection and kidney stone treatment are often diuretic
  • Sore Throat :Herbal teas, steams, and gargles are the perfect vehicles for delivering powerful herbal medicine right where you need it for a sore throat
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