Eye care herbs - better Vision
Fresh bilberries
Bilberry * Bupleurum * Calendula * Chrysanthemum * Coleus Forskohlii * Cornflowers * Elderberry * Eyebright * Flax seed * Ginkgo biloba * Goldenseal * Grapes * Rue * Sea Buckthorn Oil * Turmeric * Witch Hazel *
Today's modern lifestyle includes long hours engaged with electronics: computer screens, TV screens, video games, phones, digital readers, and even old fashioned books. We tend to ignore the resulting eyestrain because we assume nothing can be done about it.
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Eyes Remedies
Eyestrain doesn't permanently damage our vision, but it does cause headaches, blurry vision, and loss of mental focus. Compresses and poultices are a good method to use for tired, aching eyes, not incidentally because to apply them you need to relax, with your head back and eyes closed for 10 to 20 minutes and let the herbal tea solution soak into your eyelids. Great home remedies include crushed apples and easiest of all Cool cucumber slices which are still the number one home remedy to pamper sore eyes.
Herbs to improve vision: Ginkgo and bilberry are the two most commonly used herbs to improve vision. The anthocyanosides in bilberry help ensure good circulation in the small capillaries around the eyes and skin preserving the blood supply to the eyes. (Duke,James, Ph.D.) Ginkgo's action of supporting healthier circulation in the eyes make it an herb of choice for natural treatment of conditions like peripheral vascular insufficiency, and macular degeneration. Eyebright still remains the herb of choice for eyewashes. Though it has little validation in clinical trials, eyebright has a long history of proven effectiveness that dates back to the Greeks. “ The name Euphrasia is of Greek origin, it is thought to have been given the plant from the valuable properties attributed to is as an eye medicine preserving eyesight and so bringing gladness into the life of the sufferer.” (Grieve, Maud) Rue has been used throughout history to improve eyesight, Italians used the fresh leaf in salads and as a flavoring for grappa (grape liqueur). Rue contains rutin, a constituent that strengthens capillaries and improves blood flow. 3
Diet and eye supplements: A diet high in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids is one of the best defenses against failing eyesight. Studies have confirmed the old adage about eating lots of carrots. Supplements containing a combination of selenium, vitamins C and E, and beta carotene may be needed if you are concerned about your eyesight.
Eye infections: Commonly known as pinkeye, conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the the clear membrane that covers the white part of the eye and lines the inner surface of the eyelids. It is a fairly common condition and usually causes no danger to the eye or your child's vision. The inflammation can have many causes, the most common of which are infections, allergies, and irritants. Tea bags are an easy, handy, and almost universally available remedy for pinkeye. Both black tea and green tea contains bioflavonoinds that can help reduce inflammation and fight viral and bacterial infection, but green tea has fewer tannins, the astringent chemicals that help shrink swollen tissues. Strain chickweed tea, cool, then use it to moisten a clean, soft cloth for a compress to apply to closed eyes, or dilute infusion with saline solution for eye rinse. Although many witch hazel products no longer contain contain tannins, they are still soothing and refreshing to tired eyes. At one time the AMA listed witch hazel as a treatment for eye inflammation. Use witch hazel in a cooling eye compress alone, or in combination with other herbs. White, Linda B. M.D. "The Herbal Drugstore". Use goldenseal as an astringent and antibacterial eyewash to quickly reduces redness and inflammation. The berberine it contains is know to treat vision-impairing trachoma infections.
Looking for something you can read offline? Join our mailing list and get a free copy of Methods for Using Herbs. This free handbook includes instructions on how to make basic herbal preparations at home. It covers making herbal teas, herb infused oils and balms, tinctures, and more.
Works Cited
- James Duke. "The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook" Rodale Books, (2000) Coleus improves blood flow inside the brain and eases the intraoclular pressure of glaucoma by stimulating better blood flow inside the eyes.
- Phyllis A. Balch. "Prescription for Herbal Healing" Avery, (2002) . The eyebright chemicals aucubin, loganin, and verbenalin have been shown to stop inflammation in laboratory animals. Aucubin also stimulates the production of proteins that are involved in the process of healing.
- Stacey Chillemi, Michael Chillemi . The Complete Herbal Guide: A Natural Approach to Healing the Body , , (2007): Rue has been used thoughout history to improve eyesight, Italians used the fresh leaf in salads and as a flavoring for grappa (grape liqeur). Rue contains rutin, a constituent that strengthens capillaries and improves blood flow. This action helps improve vision, and is also useful for preventing and easing varicose veins., 380